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Hwachae - Korean dessert - Fruit Drink

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Hwachae Fruit Drink

Hwachae is a traditional Korean drink made ​​from the juice of fruits such as strawberries, peaches, and citrus. Juice used for sweetening including omija (a kind of wild fruit plants), honey and herbal fruit. Used Omija because it has a sweet and sour taste and beneficial properties to increase energy.

The uniqueness of the decorations complement Hwachae is different in each season such as spring azaleas, rose petals in the summer and the autumn pears.

Here recipe how to make Subak Hwachae :

Subak Hwachae
  •      1 piece (2 kg) of red seedless watermelon
  •      2 tbsp honey
  •      ice cube
  •      400 g nashi pear types, peeled

How to Make / Method:

  1. Cut watermelon in half.
  2. ½ rake parts using mellon baller to form a round. Keep refrigerated Save watermelon shell as a bowl renderer.
  3. For more watermelon ½ parts, rake clean flesh and puree with honey in a blender until a juice. Store in the fridge.
  4. Rounded pear slices as thin as 1 cm. Print in the form of little interest. Set aside.
  5. Pour the watermelon juice into watermelon shell. Insert the printed round watermelons and pears that have printed flowers. Give ice cubes. 
  6. Serve immediately.

Riri Hermawan -

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