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Khao Pad - Fried Rice - Recipe Culinary Thai

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khao-pad-recipe Khao Pad
Bangkok is a major tourist and leisure destination in the world. It's famous for sightseeing, travel adventure and some delicious Thai food. There are some top Thai cuisines which are really good and famous in Bangkok. In Thai we call this dish Khao Pad.

Khao means rice, and Pad means to fry. Rice is the main export product of Thailand, and has a history of cultivation going back thousands of years. The word for meal in Thai is Gin Khao which literally means eat rice. Culinary Khao Pad Thai and Recipe of Khao Pad Fried Rice Thailand.

Khao Pad

Khao Pad is another variety of fried rice. It differs from Chinese fried rice. Khao Pad can also be cooked easily. It is famous on the streets of Bangkok and other cities of Thailand. If you want to come to Bangkok, always try to get cheap flights to Bangkok and try these famous Thai foods which are also famous in neighboring countries as Singapore, Philippines, Malaysia and Vietnam.

  • - White rice 500 grams
  • - Chicken Eggs 3 eggs, beaten
  • - Medium-size shrimp peeled 150 grams
  • - 150 grams chicken fillets, sliced ​​thin box
  • - 2 stalks coriander leaves, chopped
  • - 4 tablespoons cooking oil
  • - Young green beans 100 grams, cut into 2 cm
  • - Wortek 100 gram, 1.2 cm cubed

  • - 3 cloves garlic, minced
  • - 4 points Red Onion, thinly sliced
  • - Soy sauce 3 tablespoons fish
  • - 2 tablespoons sweet soy sauce
  • - 3 pieces of red chili, seeded and thinly sliced
  • - Salt to taste

How to make Khao Pad:
  1. 1. Mix the eggs and salt and stir well. Heat 2 tablespoons oil, make scrambled eggs. Remove and set aside.
  2. 2. Heat the remaining oil, saute garlic and onion until fragrant.
  3. 3. Enter the shrimp, chicken, stir and cook until it changes color. Enter the red peppers, green beans and carrots, cook until done.
  4. 4. Enter the white rice, scrambled egg and other seasonings. Stir well.
  5. 5. Add coriander leaves and stir well. Lift.
  6. 6. Serve.
Serve in a large dish, garished with cucumber rounds and spring onions. If disired, springkle with coriander leaves. Squeeze lemon juice over the rice if you like it sour.

Riri Hermawan -

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